Discover the quality of the Adler chemicals used at every stage of the production process
At the beamhouse stage, which includes rewetting, liming and unhairing, fleshing and splitting, deliming and soaking, the raw hide is subjected to initial mechanical operations and prepared for tanning. The chemicals used belong to the anti-wrinkle, auxiliary and rewetting categories..
This is the decisive stage of leather processing: the chemical operation that turns putrescible hide into an unalterable material. Adler carries out a number of different types of tanning, and the main products used at this stage of the process belong to the following categories: degreasing, auxiliary, deliming, soaking, fatliquoring, anti-mould and basifying..
The post-tanning stage is made up of further chemical treatments designed to improve the appearance of the leathers and make them suitable for commercial uses. The products used for the post-tanning processes, which include pressing, shaving, retanning, dyeing and fatliquoring, drying, staking, milling and sanding, belong to the following categories: degreasing, retanning, tannins, fatliquors, neutralisers, colourants and resins.
Take a look at the latest news from Adler
New Fatliquoring Polymer
Penetrates in cold floats, replaces fatliquors, passes bodywork fogging test and lowers COD.